Sunday, March 11, 2007

Low Impact Development in the Highway Runoff Manual

Washington State Department of Transportation

Workers install Eco-StoneĀ® permeable pavers
Select photo to view in larger scale
Workers install Eco-Stone® permeable pavers at a municipal park and ride in Marysville. The Washington State Department of Transportation is considering using permeable pavement, such as Eco-Stone®, at its park and rides and on pedestrian paths.

Eco-StoneĀ® permeable pavers
Select photo to view in larger scale
Eco-stone detail

The Washington State Department of Transportation is currently revising its 1995 Highway Runoff Manual. As part of this revision, the department will develop and reference three low impact development elements in the revised manual:

1. Permeable paving at park and rides, pedestrian paths, and lower speed roadways.

2. Bioretention along roadways.

3. Constructed wetlands for stormwater treatment.

The LID portion of the revised manual should be available for use by the end of September 2003 and will include plans, specifications, methodology for estimating costs, and a hydraulic design process.

Rick Johnson

Washington State Department of Transportation
(260) 440-4642

Larry Schaffner
Washington State Department of Transportation
(360) 570-6657
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