Friday, May 29, 2009

Mukilteo's Green City Hall

The next session of the Spring series is next Wednesday, June 3rd, 12 noon, at Mukilteo City Hall

Topic: Mukilteo’s Green City Hall

It is not enough for cities to encourage sustainable and green development through its regulations they must also lead the way by example. The City of Mukilteo has done that with the construction of its new city hall, expected to receive a LEED’S Gold level certification. Hear a description of the process behind the decision to build a green city hall and take a tour of the city hall that highlights its green features. Also hear about the Snohomish County Sustainable Development Task Force efforts to facilitate adoption of sustainable development strategies and the construction of green building projects throughout Snohomish County.

Please RSVP to Stan May at RSVPs are not required to attend or to buy a lunch. RSVPs are used to estimate the number of lunches to order.

Please RSVP before 9:00 am Monday morning each week.

APA-subsidized lunches are $5 (still cheap!)

Monday, May 25, 2009

Built Green "Free" Brown Bag Green Remodel

Kobin Calhoun Program Manger for Built Green of King and Snohomish Counties talks about Built Green and the Green Remodel FREE Brown Bag Workshop that will occur on Wed, June 3 at SnoCo PUD from 11:30-1pm sponsored by the Sustainable Development Task Force of Snohomish County.

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Green Drinks in Snohomish County May 14th

No the Drinks are not Green, you can drink anything you like. Plan to meet others who understand how important it is to live sustainably. So come and meet like mines who support one another in taking action in the way that we live.

Grilla Bites Organic Cafe one of the Market Sponsor will be hosting Green Drinks on May 14th from 5:30-7:30pm. So come on by...

Here is your invitation: